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Adult Pottery Workshop
We offer pottery classes for different students, class size is limited from beginners to advanced levels, individuals to groups, in a comfy environment, enabling them to express their own creativity! Class included hand-building and throwing techniques e.g. pinching, coiling, slab building and glazing.
陶藝班提供一個舒適的環境,小組教學,教授陶藝製作技巧,如手捏、盤築、鏤空、泥板等。而且還有專業而富有樂趣的拉杯技能。我們還會教授一些陶藝的基礎知識,及加上不同工具的運用、 壓模、施釉等。適合各程度人士及團體包堂在玩陶中發揮創意。
4-Sessions Class
Monday to Friday 7:30 - 10:00 pm
Saturday 12:00 - 2:30 pm
(Specific timeslot require can be discussed for Group of 2 or above)
(All sessions must complete within one month
Duration : 2.5 hour / session
Fee : HK$1400 / person
Material : Included 4KG clay, glazing and firing.
* 1 cup need 0.5 KG clay only, Extra clay 1KG/HK$25
節數︰2.5小時 / 1節
費用︰HK$1400 / 人
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